Which foods can enhance male sexual performance - list

Performance enhancing productsPotency refers to the physiological ability to generate sexual arousal and engage in sexual intercourse. In order for the male reproductive system to work properly, the body needs to be provided with the full range of substances it needs - nutrients. This can be achieved by adjusting your diet. In this article, we will discuss the most important products for increasing potency.

List of products that increase potency

Enhanced products contain easily digestible high-quality proteins, vitamins, macronutrients and trace elements. Classic set meal: seafood, fish, lean meat from livestock, vegetables and fruits. You can further enhance the effect with the help of spices.


Seafood is considered the most effective way to enhance efficacy becauseHigh content of zinc, high-quality protein, as well as phosphorus, B vitamins (deficiency of which deteriorates the conductivity of nerve fibers), selenium. Zinc is a key element in maintaining male reproductive health (Best Zinc Foods for Men). It is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, inhibiting its breakdown and conversion into estrogen in women. Zinc deficiency often manifests itself as decreased potency and vitality.Seafood includes invertebrates living in the world’s oceans:
  • Shellfish: oysters, mussels;
  • Crustaceans: crabs, shrimps;
  • Cephalopods: squid, octopus;
  • Seaweed.
mussels for added potencyFish is a separate product category. The following species are particularly useful for increasing effectiveness: salmon, mackerel, flounder, halibut, sardines, tuna.Quail eggs, along with oysters, are considered a classic nourishing dish, but regular eggs are no less impressive. Contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol contained in egg yolks does not disrupt blood vessels but is the building material for testosterone and cortisol molecules. Regular egg consumption can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of developing vascular erectile dysfunction. Egg yolks also contain zinc, iron, and fat-soluble vitamins D, A, and E, which are necessary for gonadal function.In addition, in order to maintain normal sexual performance, men need protein, and egg protein is almost 100% digestible. Adults can safely eat several eggs per day.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts are a heavy food for the stomach, but are beneficial for efficacy. To avoid digestive issues, consume no more than a handful per day. Nuts contain high amounts of zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium and amino acids. Their presence in the diet will improve the condition of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems and stimulate the function of the gonads.The following nuts are most beneficial:Your best option for increased potency is to mix it with honey or use it in the form of nut milk, which you can make at home. For preparation, the nuts must be soaked for 6-8 hours, then diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 (100 grams of nuts per 500 ml of water), ground in a blender and filtered. Milk can be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Among the more potent seeds, pumpkin seeds are the most beneficial - they are valuable for their high zinc content. However, in addition to this element, the composition also contains many other nutrients required for the normal functioning of the reproductive system:
  1. A complete set of B vitamins.
  2. Vitamins A and C.
  3. Complete Vitamin E Tocopherol (best choice for absorption).
  4. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  5. fatty acid.
Seeds from industrial hemp, flax, chia, sprouted oats and wheat can also help increase effectiveness.Pumpkin seeds may increase effectiveness

Meat products

Animal and poultry meat contains very little cholesterol, which is terrible for everyone, and a large amount of amino acids necessary for building muscle and maintaining sex hormone balance. To increase the effectiveness, you need to choose low-fat varieties of juvenile fish and cook them using a gentle method: steam or bake in the oven. In this way, nutrients are better preserved and facilitated subsequent absorption by the stomach. Pan-frying, grilling or fatty ribs are all excess weight, bad cholesterol and carcinogens.To maintain efficacy, the following types of meat are most useful:
  • beef. Contains a large amount of zinc, amino acids, vitamins B, A, E, and PP. The meat is tough, so it is recommended to chop it first and then steam steaks, meatballs, meatballs, and casseroles.
  • rabbit. The protein content is 21% higher than that of chicken, and 90% is absorbed by the body (beef is only 60%).
  • veal. Meat is obtained from animals aged 3 to 5 months. This is a valuable protein product that is rich in protein, iron and B vitamins.
  • turkey meat. It is considered the safest of all industrial types of poultry meat.
  • quail meat. This is a dietary product rich in retinol, B vitamins, PP, phosphorus and potassium.
In recent years, the quality of chicken and pork has been in question due to the presence of growth-promoting additives. Meat from wild animals can also be used to enhance potency, but must be properly prepared before heat treatment.


The most valuable vegetables for improving male sexual performance are:
  • cauliflower;
  • Radish, carrot, pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • stewed tomatoes;
  • onion;
  • celery;
  • Romaine lettuce, arugula, watercress;
  • asparagus.
Be aware that excessive consumption of raw vegetables can cause bloating and intestinal discomfort. Food should be balanced: 2/3 fiber and 1/3 animal protein.

fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are not only rich in vitamins but also in acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help activate blood circulation.In order to increase the effect, it is recommended to give priority to watermelon, avocado, fig, banana, cranberry, wolfberry. Garden berries that can be used to stimulate libido include raspberries, strawberries, and sea buckthorn (more foods to boost male libido).The potency will increase if you drink a cocktail based on nut milk and added with bananas, strawberries, and other berries 2-4 times a week.Strawberries can increase efficacy

bee products

Few men consume bee products on a regular basis. However, they are the most readily available source of potent bioactive substances. The most common beekeeping product is honey. It can be added to morning porridge, cocktails, or mixed with nuts.Less popular is bee bread (pollen in lumps). Men who want to increase their effectiveness are advised to take one tablespoon daily on an empty stomach. This natural product contains almost the entire periodic table of elements.

Quick-acting products – is there such a thing?

It's not possible to activate the potency instantly by consuming this or that food, but you can increase blood flow and increase the sensitivity of your nerve endings. Fresh seafood, sour cream, and nuts all work well for this.The most useful vegetables for a quick boost are ginger root, horseradish, parsley and garlic. It is best to use them in the form of alcoholic tinctures:
  • Garlic: Pour 200 grams of crushed garlic into 200 ml of alcohol (70%), leave for 10 days, and filter. Take with milk: add 5 drops of tincture per 50 ml of milk.
  • Ginger: 400 grams of ginger root per 1 liter of vodka. Take 2 weeks off. You can add a few tablespoons of honey (a good preservative). To enhance the excitement, drinking 30-50 grams is enough.
Ginger Tincture BenefitsGinger Alcohol Tincture
  • Horseradish ("hrenovukha"): 100 g grated horseradish, 30 g ginger, 1 liter of good moonshine, 2 tablespoons of honey. The mixture is infused for 3-4 days. For increased potency, you can drink approximately 50 grams immediately before intercourse.
  • Parsley: 125 g of chopped root, pour 0. 5 liters of vodka and leave for 3 weeks. Drink 15 ml of filtered infusion daily.
Tinctures of garlic, ginger, and parsley are especially useful for men over 50. They increase potency by stimulating the gonads and activating blood flow.It is recommended not only to eat fresh parsley and celery, but also to freeze them for the winter (greenhouse products contain a lot of nitrates).

Products with reduced potency

Foods harmful to potency are those whose intake negatively affects blood vessel conditions, blood composition, promotes weight gain and distorts hormone levels. These include:
  1. Trans fat. Almost all fast food and semi-finished products are produced on its basis: hamburger slices, French fries, biscuits, snacks, candies, dumplings. Regular consumption of such foods will inevitably lead to increased levels of heavy cholesterol, thicker blood, worsening erections, and decreased sexual desire. The fat accumulated due to this nutrient is difficult to eliminate. The World Health Organization recommends reducing trans fat intake to 1% of daily calories.
  2. Trans fats impair potency
  3. Sweet. People with a sweet tooth are not aware of health problems until they are faced with the threat of being overweight and developing diabetes. Elevated blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage and impotence. The fat layer actively converts testosterone into female estrogen.
  4. bacon. Substances contained in smoking liquids and vapors can negatively affect the function of the testicles. Testosterone synthesis is reduced and subsequently potency decreases.
Beer can do huge damage to potency. There are few men who do not develop abdominal heaviness and breast enlargement due to regular use. Beer can disrupt hormone levels, causing estrogen bias, decreasing potency, and hastening the onset of male menopause.

Best Products for Enhanced Efficacy

Any man always wants to remain a man. No matter how pretentious it sounds, it's true. For members of any stronger sex, male health is not just an opportunity to have sex but a combination of honor and status. Therefore, always staying "on top" and equipped is an important part of his life, and the male enhancement products we will discuss in this article will help with this.If, for some reason, your "masculine power" starts to go wrong, then you should think hard and take certain steps to correct the situation.The medical community now has a vast array of medications for male potency. That's great, of course, but don't forget that there are also natural products that can help improve a man's abilities. But unfortunately, not everyone knows what to take and in what form to maintain male strength. Let’s try to find out which foods can enhance male sexual performance and what you should eat first.

Herbs and Spices Enhance Male Potency

When asking what foods can enhance sexual performance in men, we cannot forget the various herbs and spices that must be consumed for the overall health of men. These plant "helpers" include:
  • Savory (thyme). It is also known as the happiness herb. Moderate doses can increase libido and prolong sexual pleasure.
  • St. John's Wort. Eliminates conditions related to mental stress and restores libido.
  • Schisandra chinensis. Promote sperm formation. As it is used, the overall tone will improve. The effect is similar to that of Acanthopanax.
  • oat. Used in the form of decoctions and infusions.
  • rosemary. It contains substances that are structurally similar to sex hormones. Use leaves and branches.
  • Thyme. You can make tea with it. Helps with impotence.
  • Common in Dubrovnik. It has a stimulating effect on men.
  • Ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, etc. can be used as spices.

Alternative medicine for men's health

Many herbs dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, and decongest the prostate. Here are some recipes to boost male libido:
  1. Nettles are helpful. It is used as an infusion. Pour 100 g of crushed leaves into 300 ml of boiling water. It is also used in seed form. They are combined with red wine and honey.
  2. An indispensable assistant at all times in this regard is ginseng root, which must be eaten with honey. The composition improves libido very well.
  3. Thyme is considered one of the best remedies for human health. It is even used to prevent prostatitis. Grass contains large amounts of zinc, which is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Use inflorescences. Make an infusion of them and take it in equal portions throughout the day.
  4. Eating celery is good. This plant is rich in zinc. All parts of the plant are edible, including roots and stems. You need to take 100 grams of this amazing herb every day.
  5. Regular use of garlic will certainly produce this effect. It contains phytoncides that improve prostate function.
  6. Parsnips eliminate congestion and inflammatory processes in the prostate.
  7. Rhizome of calamus. With it, you can achieve the results you want quickly. You can simply chew it or use it as a tincture.
It is always necessary to remember that herbal medicine must be administered efficiently and the dosage accurately maintained. Failure to follow this rule may cause irreparable harm. Additionally, you may be allergic to many plants. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before starting to use herbal remedies. The stronger half of humanity must be careful about its health.

Quick-acting products

The following products for male sexual enhancement will help resume sexual activity in the shortest possible time:
  1. Oysters stimulate blood circulation and are powerful aphrodisiacs. They contain the trace element zinc and rare amino acids, which activate hormone production and increase sperm count. Sexual desire increases due to the substance dopamine. Best caught in the spring and eaten raw, sprinkled with lemon juice. Men should not eat shellfish regularly - this can lead to excess mercury entering the body and triggering gastroenteritis. Doing so will help prevent increased potency;
  2. Flounder - It is useful to eat it due to the presence of vitamins A, E, B-complex and zinc in the meat. Fish protein is quickly absorbed by the body. Plaice are useful when steamed, stewed or boiled;
  3. Boiled Mackerel – Contains omega-3 and 6 acids involved in testosterone biosynthesis. Since the ingredients contain phosphorus and iodine, it improves sexual health, enhances sexual performance and increases sperm production;
  4. Meat has a high energy value and causes the body to produce the hormone thyroxine. It supports hormonal excitement. It is healthy to eat lean red meat (horse, lamb, beef) and dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, pheasant). Ideally, the meat is stewed or steamed and served with herbs and vegetables;
  5. Nuts – should be included in daily consumption. Treats functional issues thanks to vitamins E, B, zinc and magnesium. Arginine has beneficial effects on male erections. It is useful to eat hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts and walnuts. Ideally, they should be mixed with honey, dried fruit, bananas, apples, beets or carrots. Pine nuts are considered to be among the most beneficial for men’s health, energizing cells and stimulating testosterone production;
  6. Nutmeg - A spice added to dishes or consumed diluted with water. Do not exceed the daily dose (more than one-third of a teaspoon).
It is recommended to eat more seafood and marine fish, which can quickly solve sexual problems. Among all varieties, nutritionists distinguish:

List of foods that enhance libido (+ foods most harmful to male libido)

Best productThe health of the male genitourinary system and his sexual performance depend on many factors. Adverse environmental conditions, chronic illness, alcohol consumption, long-term use of medications - all these can affect sexual function. To increase effectiveness, men are advised to take multivitamins, medications, undergo physical therapy and perform specially designed exercises. The foods that make up a man's diet also play an important role. If it consists mainly of foods saturated with fat and cholesterol, then the nutritional system needs to be adjusted. It should include potency products containing valuable vitamins (more about vitamins for men's potency) and trace elements.

What foods are harmful to men's health?

It’s important to understand not only the products that contribute to benefits, but also the products that detract from them. this:
  • Baking, bakery products. These products contain yeast, sugar, and acid, which can also negatively affect testosterone synthesis;
  • Foods high in cholesterol. They can cause blockage of blood vessels and poor circulation to the pelvic organs. Such products include fatty pork and beef, sausages, margarine, butter, egg yolks, fatty cheese, liver pate;
  • "Fast food" (french fries, burgers, pizza). It contains harmful trans fats, which can cause hormonal imbalances;
  • Foods harmful to efficacy
  • Bacon contains chemicals that inhibit testosterone synthesis. In addition, these products contain smoke liquid, which has powerful toxins that damage the testicles;
  • Flaxseed oil, soybean oil and corn oil. Not only do they negatively affect potency, they also impair spermatogenesis;
  • beer. The danger of this drink is that it disrupts hormonal balance. Beer helps suppress testosterone synthesis because it contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones.This is most evident in the development of a layer of abdominal fat.
  • Unlimited eggs. It is best for a person to eat no more than one egg within 48 hours,Because this product can negatively affect potency and impair reproductive function;
Beer will reduce the effectiveness of the medicineWhen large amounts of beer are consumed continuously, men stop producing the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the function of the reproductive system. Over time, this may cause potency issuesIf a man regularly consumes foods that have a great impact on sexual function, he should consider adjusting his diet. This is especially important if malnutrition is accompanied by frequent stress, overexertion, a sedentary lifestyle, and being overweight.

Foods that enhance effectiveness

In order to improve sexual performance, it is necessary to eliminate foods that are harmful to health and sexual performance and enrich the diet with healthy foods.

Drinks good for male strength

In addition to products for male enhancement, there are also various drinks with similar properties. Below is a list of such funds:
  1. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. This vegetable contains a lot of zinc, so this drink can increase potency and strengthen the penis. Juice can be made at home using natural products;
  2. Ginger tea. This drink increases potency, stimulates blood circulation and prevents stagnation. To prepare the tea, take 2 cm of ginger root, peel and grind it, then pour a cup of boiling water over the mixture and let it sit for 10 minutes. Honey and lemon can be added to the drink;
  3. watermelon juice. This berry does not need to be cooked, just eat a few slices. Watermelon contains an amino acid that improves blood circulation, thereby stimulating erections;
  4. Garlic Tincture. Place 1kg of chopped garlic in a 3 liter jar and pour boiling water to the top. Infuse the medicine for a month, shaking the contents of the jar every day. Take one teaspoon of tincture daily until used up;
  5. Horse milk. It is useful for male sexual performance as it has a positive effect on hormonal levels and improves reproductive performance;
  6. Vitamin Efficacy
  7. Infused with green vegetables. You need to chop the coriander and cilantro, add hot water and let it sit for half an hour;
  8. Juice squeezed from celery root. This drink increases testosterone levels in the blood and combats erectile dysfunction.

Simple recipes and dishes for men's health

There are some simple recipes that can enhance erections and generally improve a man's quality of intimate life. You can try the following:
  • Sesame seeds and honey. You need to take a handful of sesame seeds and fry them in a frying pan without using oil. Then mix with natural honey, three tablespoons each time, three times a day;
  • Carrots, turnips and apples. Grate the root vegetables and fruit with a medium grater and add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily;
  • Nutrient blend based on honey, red wine and aloe vera juice. Take a cup of the first ingredient, add a tablespoon of aloe vera juice and 0. 5 liters of wine. The mixture must be soaked for 14 days. Drink one tablespoon of the prepared liquid before meals, three times daily. The course of treatment is at least one month;
  • Onions with cheese. You will need 2 Yalta onions, 120 g of cottage cheese, half a cup of curd and green leaves. Chop the onions, mix with the cheese and pour the curd over the mixture. Sprinkle top of dish with herbs;
  • Shrimp soup. You need to chop and fry 2 carrots, parsley root, onion, put them in boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add 500 g of cauliflower broken into florets to the soup and cook until tender. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 200 grams of pre-cooked shrimp meat to the pot. Add chopped parsley and dill to finished product;
  • A mixture of horseradish and honey. Horseradish is a powerful aphrodisiac that also fights inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs. To prepare a drink based on this, you need to take 300 grams of raw materials, 2 cups of boiling water, and 3 tablespoons of natural honey. Grate the horseradish, pour boiling water and let cool. After that, drain the water and add honey to the horseradish. This delicious mixture can be used as a sauce for fish and meat dishes;
A man's potency and ability to conceive depends largely on the quality of his diet. In order to always maintain a good figure, you need to exclude from your diet all harmful and completely useless foods, giving priority to natural and delicious foods that do not contain chemical additives and cholesterol, and at the same time improve the quality of your sexual life.

in conclusion

Increased potency through corrective diet is only possible if a man leads a healthy and active lifestyle. For smokers and alcoholics, half of the nutrients are not absorbed. The effectiveness of a particular product also depends on personal characteristics and the body's nutritional needs (some people have vitamin deficiencies, others may have the opposite).